Feelings: Naivety, desperation, love for his
family, hope, strength...
Description: Kino is a young and strong man,
willing to provide his family with a better life. He's poor and has no formal
education. He is a fisherman and he gets what he can to survive.
Behavior: Kino is moved by hope and
desperation through the story. He tries to stay calm sometimes but his
decisions end up in the worst way. Therefore, he loses his mind and gets to
kill some people who stand on his way.
Personality traits:
Kino is a
peasant-like man, he does not know much about culture, he shows rage or regret
of being a poor man, proving that he is not happy with the life that he has and
he hopes his child not to have the same fate.
Feelings: Care, worry, love, obedience, risk...
Description: Juana is Kino's wife. She represents strength foir Kino as she is calm, docile and obedient. She is a folk woman who devotes her life to take care of her home and family.
Behavior: Despite her calm and obedience, Juana shows bravery and courage when she challenges the customs of her people and brakes the mold going to doctor's house or defying her husband's will.
Personality traits: Good is represented by Juana in the story; she is the one who has the best criteria and never gives up before greed or wrong hopes of a better life. She stands strong on her beliefs and detects danger when is close.
Feelings: Peace and hope.
Description: The newborn baby of a young couple who don't have much to offer but poverty.
Behavior: He is a strong baby, he survives the sting of a scorpion. Coyotito ends up as the victim of the whole drama and persecution after the Pearl.
Personality traits: Strength, he's the moving factor of the main characters.
Feelings: Friendship, support, reliability.
Description: Juan Tomás is the elder brother of Kino. Apolonia is Juan Tomas' wife what makes her his step sister. Both of them become the closest friends of Kino and Juana.
Behavior: These two characters help Kino and Juana when they need it the most.
Personality traits: Apolonia shows shrewdness when she pretends the death of Kino and Juana. Juan Tomas always shows an good attitude to help and support his brother in his situation, giving pieces of advise to him.
Feelings: Greed, egoism, evil...
Description: The doctor is wealthier than the peasants of La Paz, and he makes fun of natives, like Kino and Juana, who look for his treatment without money.
Behavior: The doctor acts like a very mean man, thinking about his wellbeing and profit above everything else.
Personality traits: This character, as said before, is selfish, mean and takes advantadge of people.
Feelings: Violence, greed, evil...
Description: Two trackers and a man with a rifle followed Kino and Juana out of La Paz. They were killed by Kino when he found out that they were after the Pearl and his family.
Behavior: These characters are presented as crimminals,; thieves that onle want to get the Pearl.
Personality traits: They are robbers, people that are only interested in getting money and material benefits.